The weather in Kyiv region and in Kyiv will be warm and without precipitation throughout the day.
The weather in Kyiv on 22 October will be warm and without precipitation. This was reported by the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Centre.
The air temperature in the capital of Ukraine will be 10° in the morning. The relative humidity is 99% and the atmospheric pressure is 746 mmHg.
The weather in the Kyiv region is also stable. No precipitation is expected in the Kyiv region, with fog in the morning. Southeast wind ️, 5-10 m/s.
The temperature in Kyiv is around 20°, and in the region 18-23°.
Forecasters also warned of dangerous meteorological phenomena in the Kyiv region. In particular, in the morning of 22 October, fog will persist, with visibility of 200-500 m. Hazard level I has been set.
Earlier, weather forecasters reported what the weather in Kyiv would be like in April.