
Meteorologist makes weather forecast for February and surprises Ukrainians

погода лютий

Precipitation will be relatively even throughout the month.

The weather forecast for February in Ukraine will be slightly different from the usual calendar indicators. Meteorologist Igor Kibalchich provided details, Meteoprog reports.

The expert noted that in the first half of the month, the average daily temperature consistently exceeds 0°C. There is also a gradual increase in the temperature background. The weather in February will also be variable in Ukraine, with blizzards, stormy winds, local thunderstorms, snowstorms, and the invasion of Arctic frosty air.

According to the weather forecast for Ukraine, the highest temperatures are expected in the western, central and southern regions. In Odesa region, the air may warm up above +10°C during the daytime at the beginning of the month, and by mid-February, temperatures are likely to reach +15…+20°C on some days. It will be slightly cooler in the eastern part of the country, in the northern regions and in Polissya. On average, the weather in Ukraine in February will fluctuate between -2…+4 °C, which is about 2 to 5 °C above the climatic norm. At the end of the first decade, the weather in February will surprise Ukrainians. In the 20s, there may be short periods of cooling, but without too much frost.

Throughout the month, precipitation will be relatively even, with the total amount expected to be between 30 and 70 mm, with 80 to 110 mm in the western regions.

This is close to normal, in some places 20-40% above normal. The weather forecast for February suggests that snow cover will be observed sporadically in the western, northern and eastern regions of Ukraine. Most of the precipitation will be in the form of rain, especially in the southern part of the country, particularly in Crimea.

This is due to the frequent passage of atmospheric fronts and cyclones. Igor Kibalchych added that during the month of February, the weather will be affected by sharp fluctuations in atmospheric pressure and gusty winds on some days, sometimes up to 15-22 m/s. He did not announce the weather forecast for Kyiv.

Weather forecast for February and the situation in the world

The weather in the world in February will also have an impact on the situation in Ukraine. The zonal transfer of air masses to the east across Europe from the North Atlantic Ocean is expected to develop. Frosty Arctic air masses will be concentrated over Greenland, the northern part of the Scandinavian Peninsula and Svalbard, which will be a good prerequisite for the development of cyclones. That is why the weather forecast for February will depend on these processes.

Against the backdrop of southwesterly winds in central, southern and eastern Europe, above-normal air temperatures are expected for the month on average. A field of low pressure will prevail. This factor will affect the amount of precipitation, which is expected to be sufficient, sometimes 2 to 3 times higher than the climatic norm. The cyclones from the Atlantic, which are shifting eastwards, will draw warm and humid subtropical air from North Africa and the Mediterranean into their circulation.

According to a Ukrainian meteorologist, the warm phase of El Niño in the Pacific Ocean is still in place. According to the analogue method, when the positive phase of this oscillation is clearly pronounced, the weather in Eastern Europe is usually warmer than normal in February (for example, this was clearly visible in 1998 and 2016).

As a reminder, a 260-year-old oak tree in Boyarka was treated and turned into a home for bats and birds.